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HDFC Life Super Savings Plan
A Plan that enhances your family’s financial security!


  • Flexibility to choose a policy term from 15 to 30 years
  • Double Sum Assured in case of accidental death#
  • Boost your maturity benefits with reversionary bonuses and terminal bonus*, if any.
  • Option to choose the plan through Short Medical Questionnaire without the hassles of medicals$


A. Maturity Benefit:

  • Sum Assured + Accrued Bonuses (simple reversionary bonus plus interim bonus and terminal bonus, if any)

B. Death Benefit:

  • On death of the life assured during the term of the policy, provided all due premiums are paid, the nominee will receive the higher of the following
    • 10 x Annualized Premium^
    • Sum Assured
    • 105% of all premiums^ paid till date

In addition to the above, the accrued simple reversionary bonus plus interim bonus plus terminal bonus, if any is paid to the nominee.