Section under which your problem/error belongs?
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Login Name is keyed in wrongly.
Password is incorrect.
Domain Name is keyed in wrongly.
Incorrect Case (Upper / Lower) used for keying in the Login details.
User ID Disabled.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
Login Name is keyed in wrongly, in the Authorization Dialogue.
Password is incorrect.
Incorrect Case (Upper / Lower) used for keying in the Login Name / Password details.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
Digital Certificate is not Imported into the Browser.
PC's Internet Explorer does not support 128-Bit Encryption.
Internet Cache can be full.
Snorkel Certificate is expired.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
ENET Access is very slow.
On clicking LOGON, ENET Pop up window does not appear.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
Error Displayed "Details currently not available. Please try again later"
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
The System could be down, for maintenance activity at Bank's end.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
Uploaded file is seen to be in "PV" Status for a long time.
File upload resulted in "VF" Status File uploaded successfully but not visible in the Summary Screen / Authorization Screen.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
Error "Authorizer is not a Valid Authorizer" is displayed.
File upload successful but Control File is not available for download, when "Download Control File" is clicked.
File uploaded for Account to Account Transfers has been successfully Authorized but Status continues to be in "UP"
Authorization of Payments / File upload results in Limit Exceeded Message.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
The Reverse File does not comment whether individual transactions have been successful or un-successful / reason for rejection.
To view the steps for resolution please click on the appropriate topic
Error "You may not have rights to access this module" is displayed.
On selecting the main menu from collections module the user is logged out.